Curriculum Approval Cycle & Associated Deadlines


ECU’s Academic Year Curriculum Approval Cycle

Throughout the academic year, there are sets of dates and deadlines that determine when aspects of the curriculum review and approval process need to take place. Understanding this annual curriculum approval cycle is key to ensuring all curriculum revisions can be submitted, reviewed, and approved in time for inclusion in the next edition of the catalog. Click here to download and view the PDF file of ECU’s academic year curriculum approval cycle & UCC/GCC committee calendars for the current academic year. More information on ECU’s curriculum cycle and associated deadlines are included below.


Curriculum Deadlines for Inclusion in the 2025-2026 Catalogs

Below are the submission and approval deadlines for curriculum changes to be included in the 2025-2026 Catalogs. Information about submission deadlines, approval deadlines, and Level I, II, and III changes are discussed in the Understanding Curriculum Deadlines and the Approval Process section below.

Do not wait until the submission deadline to begin your forms! Beginning all curriculum proposals as early as possible will ensure the forms can reach the committee approval deadlines outlined below.

Mid-July 2024New Academic Year Curriculog Forms Available For Use - The 2024-2025 Curriculog forms are available for faculty to begin submitting curriculum changes.
November 1, 2024 Early Submission Deadline (highly recommended) for all Level II/III curriculum packages – It is highly recommended that all curriculum packages containing a Level II/III change should be launched and approved in Curriculog by the faculty originator by November 1.
December 16, 2024Final Submission Deadline for all Level II/III curriculum packages - All curriculum packages containing a Level II/III change should be launched and approved in Curriculog by the faculty originator by December 16.
January 24, 2025Final Submission Deadline for all Level I curriculum packages - All curriculum packages containing a Level I change should be launched and approved in Curriculog by the faculty originator by January 24.
February 19, 2025GCC Level II/III Approval Deadline – All graduate Level II/III curriculum packages should be reviewed and approved on or before this committee meeting date.
February 27, 2025UCC Level II/III Approval Deadline – All undergraduate Level II/III curriculum packages should be reviewed and approved on or before this committee meeting date.
March 19, 2025GCC Level I Approval Deadline – All graduate Level I curriculum packages should be reviewed and approved on or before this committee meeting date.
March 27, 2025UCC Level I Approval Deadline – All undergraduate Level I curriculum packages should be reviewed and approved on or before this committee meeting date.
April 1, 2025Curriculog Downtime For System Maintenance – Forms A through L, W-1, and W-2 are NOT available for submission. Any form created during this time period or forms that aren’t approved by the Approval Deadlines will be withdrawn from the system and need to be resubmitted in mid-July on the New Academic Year Curriculog forms.
April 11, 2025EPPC Approval Deadline – All graduate Level II/III curriculum packages should be reviewed and approved on or before this committee meeting date.
April 21, 2025EPPC Approval Deadline – All Level II/III curriculum packages should be reviewed and approved by the Educational Policies and Planning Committee (EPPC) on or before this committee meeting date.
April 28, 2025Faculty Senate Approval Deadline – Last date for all curriculum packages and/or committee meeting minutes to be approved by Faculty Senate.


Understanding Curriculum Deadlines and the Approval Process

According to ECU’s Faculty Manual, all curriculum changes must be approved by the departmental faculty, college or school, and the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC) or Graduate Curriculum Committee (GCC). Depending on the type of revision, other ECU committees, the UNC System Office, and/or the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) could require approval or notification after the UCC or GCC approves. These curriculum changes and the required types of approvals are categorized into Level I, II and III changes. For a detailed description of the types of revisions that fall under each level refer to the Level I, II, III Curriculum Changes (PDF) document.

The different levels of approvals that are required for curriculum changes take varying amounts of time. For a description of the required approval steps for each level of curriculum change, refer to the Level I, II, III Approval Workflow document. To ensure curriculum changes can be approved in time for inclusion in the next edition of the catalog (2024-2025), please carefully review and follow the submission deadlines and approval deadlines outlined above.

  • Submission Deadline: The date Curriculog forms must be launched and approved by the faculty originator to begin the campus approval process.
  • Approval Deadline: The last committee meeting date that the respective Curriculog forms must be approved by to be included in the next edition of the ECU Catalogs.

We strongly encourage faculty to launch and approve Curriculog forms as early as possible in the fall semester and not to wait until the submission deadlines to begin forms in Curriculog. The earlier forms begin the approval process the more likely they will reach the final approval step before the approval deadlines.

Any Curriculog form that is not approved by the committee approval deadlines for inclusion in the 2025-2026 catalog will be withdrawn from the system, and will have to be resubmitted on new Curriculog forms during the next curriculum cycle. Curriculog forms cannot be carried over from one academic year to another.