Outcomes Assessment

The goal of assessment at East Carolina University (ECU) is to improve student learning and program quality through an iterative process of planning, evidence collection, reporting, analysis, and action. All educational programs and support units conduct ongoing assessment and analysis of outcomes according to the ECU Institutional Assessment Process (PDF) which outlines the annual assessment reporting and review cycles, defines the required components of the assessment report, and describes the purpose and scope of the Institutional Assessment Advisory Council.

Outcomes Assessment Process

ECU’s Institutional Assessment process includes gathering evidence of student learning for academic programs, general education and co-curricular experiences.


Assessment resources are available to help faculty and staff in developing, implementing, communicating and using evidence of student learning. Resources encompass documents, multimedia and training specific to ECU and also the national level.

Assessment Initiatives

The office of Institutional Assessment initiates projects to improve the assessment of student learning.

Learning Outcomes

Student learning outcomes are statements that specify the knowledge, skills, and perceptions/attitudes that students are expected to demonstrate upon completion of their course of study.

Results of Assessment

Evidence of student learning includes results of assessment data collection. This may include evidence of direct (e.g., portfolio) and indirect (e.g., surveys) student learning as well as institutional performance indicators (e.g., licensure pass rate).

Analysis and Use of Results

Student learning outcome results are analyzed and used to identify areas where changes in policies and practices may lead to improvement, inform institutional decision-making, problem identification, planning, goal setting, faculty development, course revision, program review, and accountability or accreditation self-study.