Elements of Reaffirmation

Reaffirmation Deliverables: Self Study, Off-site Review, Focused Report, QEP, Onsite Review, Response Report, SACSCOC Decision

After being awarded initial accreditation, institutions are considered for reaffirmation of accreditation every ten years. SACSCOC reaffirms the accreditation of an institution as a totality. This accreditation extends beyond the main campus to include all centers, branches, campuses, or other sites at which postsecondary degree or non-degree work is offered as well as all work offered through distance education and correspondence courses.

Decennial reaffirmation includes the completion of a Compliance Certification report to demonstrate ongoing compliance with the Principles of Accreditation (PDF); a focused report in response to feedback given for the compliance certification report and hosting an on-site review team. The institution must include the review of all its operations in its Compliance Certification. In addition, ECU must complete a Quality Enhancement Plan demonstrating compliance with SACSCOC Principle 7.2.