Post Approval Metrics Report
In the first fall semester following establishment of a new academic degree program, Academic Planning and Accreditation (APA) provides post-approval metrics to the Academic Council to ensure approved conditions of establishment are followed and accomplished.
Post-approval metrics capture progress for the first five years of establishment. These metrics are taken from official university sources, documents submitted to ECU and UNC-SO for program establishment by faculty program planners, and information requested from the establishing unit.
In the third year following establishment, APA conducts a post-approval survey as well, unless the program has received specialized accreditation before that time. Therefore, accredited programs are exempt from this survey requirement.
APA will email the post-approval metrics report and instructions to deans of applicable programs each fall. Recommended participants/reviewers include the dean, department chair, and faculty program planner. For questions or assistance, please contact Cyndi Bellacero at 252-737-3614.