Curriculum Management
Curriculum is the heart and soul of every college experience and we encourage curricular innovation with the development, and modernization with revisions, to curriculum at ECU. Academic Planning and Accreditation is here to help you create and revise curriculum, navigate the required approval processes, and collaborate for a smooth implementation.
ECU’s curriculum management process is entirely online, including proposal forms, agendas for undergraduate and graduate curriculum committees, and review processes from origination to final approval. The best quality proposals involve communication with colleges/departments and consultation with program coordinators and/or liaisons in the planning phases. All proposals are submitted for review and approval through the online Curriculog™ system. For some program revisions and all new programs, SACSCOC and UNC System Office approval is also required.
The best quality proposals involve communication with colleges/departments and consultation with program coordinators and/or liaisons in the planning phases. Faculty planners can schedule a meeting with our Curriculum Support Specialist for assistance in mapping out curriculum packages.
You are always welcome to please contact us for additional information or assistance. We look forward to working with you!
Please contact Rex Rose, University Program Specialist, for assistance with new courses, existing course and program revisions.
Please contact Cyndi Bellacero, Director of Academic Planning and Accreditation, for assistance with program planning and development.